Attributes { s { time { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 394072; String _CoordinateAxisType "Time"; Float64 actual_range 1.73754029e+9, 1.741682069e+9; String axis "T"; String ioos_category "Time"; String long_name "time of measurements"; String sdn_parameter_name "Elapsed time relative to 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"; String sdn_parameter_uri ""; String sdn_parameter_urn "SDN:P01::ELTMEP01"; String sdn_uom_name "Seconds"; String sdn_uom_uri ""; String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::UTBB"; String standard_name "time"; String time_origin "01-JAN-1970 00:00:00"; String time_precision "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"; String units "seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"; } latitude { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 1; String _CoordinateAxisType "Lat"; Float32 _FillValue -999999.0; Float32 actual_range 41.18212, 41.18212; String ancillary_variables "LATITUDE_QC"; String axis "Y"; String ioos_category "Location"; String long_name "latitude of measurements"; String sdn_parameter_name "Latitude north"; String sdn_parameter_uri ""; String sdn_parameter_urn "SDN:P01::ALATZZ01"; String sdn_uom_name "Degrees"; String sdn_uom_uri ""; String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::UAAA"; String standard_name "latitude"; String units "degrees_north"; } longitude { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 1; String _CoordinateAxisType "Lon"; Float32 _FillValue -999999.0; Float32 actual_range 1.75257, 1.75257; String ancillary_variables "LONGITUDE_QC"; String axis "X"; String ioos_category "Location"; String long_name "longitude of measurements"; String sdn_parameter_name "Longitude east"; String sdn_parameter_uri ""; String sdn_parameter_urn "SDN:P01::ALONZZ01"; String sdn_uom_name "Degrees"; String sdn_uom_uri ""; String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::UAAA"; String standard_name "longitude"; String units "degrees_east"; } depth { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 1; String _CoordinateAxisType "Height"; String _CoordinateZisPositive "down"; Float32 _FillValue -999999.0; Float32 actual_range 20.0, 20.0; String ancillary_variables "DEPTH_QC"; String axis "Z"; String ioos_category "Location"; String long_name "depth of measurements"; String positive "down"; String sdn_parameter_name "Depth (spatial coordinate) relative to water surface in the water body"; String sdn_parameter_uri ""; String sdn_parameter_urn "SDN:P01::ADEPZZ01"; String sdn_uom_name "Metres"; String sdn_uom_uri ""; String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::ULAA"; String standard_name "depth"; String units "m"; } CNDC { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 1, 1, 1, 1, 394072; Float32 _FillValue -999999.0; Float32 actual_range 3.9654, 4.5972; String ancillary_variables "CNDC_QC, CNDC_RAW, CNDC_UNCERTAINTY"; String comment "values corrected with latest available calibration. "; String long_name "sea water electrical conductivity (corrected values)"; String sdn_parameter_name "Electrical conductivity of the water body by CTD"; String sdn_parameter_uri ""; String sdn_parameter_urn "SDN:P01::CNDCST01"; String sdn_uom_name "Siemens per metre"; String sdn_uom_uri ""; String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::UECA"; String sensor_manufacturer "Sea-Bird Scientific"; String sensor_manufacturer_uri ""; String sensor_manufacturer_urn "SDN:L35::MAN0013"; String sensor_model "Sea-Bird SBE 37 MicroCat SMP-CTP (submersible) CTD sensor"; String sensor_mount "mounted_on_fixed_structure"; String sensor_orientation "upward"; String sensor_reference ""; String sensor_SeaVoX_L22_code "SDN:L22::TOOL1457"; String sensor_serial_number "37-24580"; String standard_name "sea_water_electrical_conductivity"; String standard_name_uri "sea_water_electrical_conductivity"; String units "Siemens per metre"; } PSAL { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 1, 1, 1, 1, 394072; Float32 _FillValue -999999.0; Float32 actual_range 33.1463, 38.424; String ancillary_variables "PSAL_QC"; String comment "Raw sensor values. "; String long_name "sea water salinity (raw sensor values)"; String sdn_parameter_name "Practical salinity of the water body by CTD and computation using UNESCO 1983 algorithm"; String sdn_parameter_uri ""; String sdn_parameter_urn "SDN:P01::PSALST01"; String sdn_uom_name "Dimensionless"; String sdn_uom_uri ""; String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::UUUU"; String sensor_manufacturer "Sea-Bird Scientific"; String sensor_manufacturer_uri ""; String sensor_manufacturer_urn "SDN:L35::MAN0013"; String sensor_model "Sea-Bird SBE 37 MicroCat SMP-CTP (submersible) CTD sensor"; String sensor_mount "mounted_on_fixed_structure"; String sensor_orientation "upward"; String sensor_reference ""; String sensor_SeaVoX_L22_code "SDN:L22::TOOL1457"; String sensor_serial_number "37-24580"; String standard_name "sea_water_practical_salinity"; String standard_name_uri "sea_water_practical_salinity"; String units "Dimensionless"; } TEMP { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 1, 1, 1, 1, 394072; Float32 _FillValue -999999.0; Float32 actual_range 8.997, 14.488; String ancillary_variables "TEMP_QC, TEMP_RAW, TEMP_UNCERTAINTY"; String comment "values corrected with latest available calibration. "; String long_name "in situ sea water temperature (corrected values)"; String sdn_parameter_name "Temperature of the water body by CTD or STD"; String sdn_parameter_uri ""; String sdn_parameter_urn "SDN:P01::TEMPST01"; String sdn_uom_name "Degrees Celsius"; String sdn_uom_uri ""; String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::UPAA"; String sensor_manufacturer "Sea-Bird Scientific"; String sensor_manufacturer_uri ""; String sensor_manufacturer_urn "SDN:L35::MAN0013"; String sensor_model "Sea-Bird SBE 37 MicroCat SMP-CTP (submersible) CTD sensor"; String sensor_mount "mounted_on_fixed_structure"; String sensor_orientation "upward"; String sensor_reference ""; String sensor_SeaVoX_L22_code "SDN:L22::TOOL1457"; String sensor_serial_number "37-24580"; String standard_name "sea_water_temperature"; String standard_name_uri "sea_water_temperature"; String units "Degrees Celsius"; } PRES { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 1, 1, 1, 1, 394072; Float32 _FillValue -999999.0; Float32 actual_range 18.516, 20.392; String ancillary_variables "PRES_QC"; String comment "Raw sensor values. "; String long_name "pressure that exists in the medium of sea water (raw sensor values)"; String sdn_parameter_name "Pressure (spatial coordinate) exerted by the water body by profiling pressure sensor and correction to read zero at sea level"; String sdn_parameter_uri ""; String sdn_parameter_urn "SDN:P01::PRESPR01"; String sdn_uom_name "Decibars"; String sdn_uom_uri ""; String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::UPDB"; String sensor_manufacturer "Sea-Bird Scientific"; String sensor_manufacturer_uri ""; String sensor_manufacturer_urn "SDN:L35::MAN0013"; String sensor_model "Sea-Bird SBE 37 MicroCat SMP-CTP (submersible) CTD sensor"; String sensor_mount "mounted_on_fixed_structure"; String sensor_orientation "upward"; String sensor_reference ""; String sensor_SeaVoX_L22_code "SDN:L22::TOOL1457"; String sensor_serial_number "37-24580"; String standard_name "sea_water_pressure"; String standard_name_uri "sea_water_pressure"; String units "Decibars"; } SVEL { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 1, 1, 1, 1, 394072; Float32 _FillValue -999999.0; Float32 actual_range 1500.643, 1509.259; String ancillary_variables "SVEL_QC"; String comment "Raw sensor values. "; String long_name "speed of sound in sea water (raw sensor values)"; String sdn_parameter_name "Sound velocity in the water body by CTD and computation from temperature and salinity by unspecified algorithm"; String sdn_parameter_uri ""; String sdn_parameter_urn "SDN:P01::SVELCT01"; String sdn_uom_name "Metres per second"; String sdn_uom_uri ""; String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::UVAA"; String sensor_manufacturer "Sea-Bird Scientific"; String sensor_manufacturer_uri ""; String sensor_manufacturer_urn "SDN:L35::MAN0013"; String sensor_model "Sea-Bird SBE 37 MicroCat SMP-CTP (submersible) CTD sensor"; String sensor_mount "mounted_on_fixed_structure"; String sensor_orientation "upward"; String sensor_reference ""; String sensor_SeaVoX_L22_code "SDN:L22::TOOL1457"; String sensor_serial_number "37-24580"; String standard_name "speed_of_sound_in_sea_water"; String standard_name_uri "speed_of_sound_in_sea_water"; String units "Metres per second"; } CNDC_RAW { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 1, 1, 1, 1, 394072; Float32 _FillValue -999999.0; Float32 actual_range 3.96733, 4.59944; String ancillary_variables "CNDC_QC"; String comment "raw data. "; String long_name "sea water electrical conductivity (raw data)"; String sdn_parameter_name "Electrical conductivity of the water body by CTD"; String sdn_parameter_uri ""; String sdn_parameter_urn "SDN:P01::CNDCST01"; String sdn_uom_name "Siemens per metre"; String sdn_uom_uri ""; String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::UECA"; String sensor_manufacturer "Sea-Bird Scientific"; String sensor_manufacturer_uri ""; String sensor_manufacturer_urn "SDN:L35::MAN0013"; String sensor_model "Sea-Bird SBE 37 MicroCat SMP-CTP (submersible) CTD sensor"; String sensor_mount "mounted_on_fixed_structure"; String sensor_orientation "upward"; String sensor_reference ""; String sensor_SeaVoX_L22_code "SDN:L22::TOOL1457"; String sensor_serial_number "37-24580"; String standard_name "sea_water_electrical_conductivity"; String standard_name_uri "sea_water_electrical_conductivity"; String units "Siemens per metre"; } CNDC_UNCERTAINTY { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 1, 1, 1, 1, 394072; Float32 _FillValue -999999.0; String comment "Expanded uncertainty with 95% coverage (k=2)"; String long_name "sea water electrical conductivity expanded uncertainty with 95% coverage (k=2)"; String sdn_uom_name "Siemens per metre"; String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::UECA"; String units "Siemens per metre"; } TEMP_RAW { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 1, 1, 1, 1, 394072; Float32 _FillValue -999999.0; Float32 actual_range 3.137, 1577.0; String ancillary_variables "TEMP_QC"; String comment "raw data. "; String long_name "in situ sea water temperature (raw data)"; String sdn_parameter_name "Temperature of the water body by CTD or STD"; String sdn_parameter_uri ""; String sdn_parameter_urn "SDN:P01::TEMPST01"; String sdn_uom_name "Degrees Celsius"; String sdn_uom_uri ""; String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::UPAA"; String sensor_manufacturer "Sea-Bird Scientific"; String sensor_manufacturer_uri ""; String sensor_manufacturer_urn "SDN:L35::MAN0013"; String sensor_model "Sea-Bird SBE 37 MicroCat SMP-CTP (submersible) CTD sensor"; String sensor_mount "mounted_on_fixed_structure"; String sensor_orientation "upward"; String sensor_reference ""; String sensor_SeaVoX_L22_code "SDN:L22::TOOL1457"; String sensor_serial_number "37-24580"; String standard_name "sea_water_temperature"; String standard_name_uri "sea_water_temperature"; String units "Degrees Celsius"; } TEMP_UNCERTAINTY { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 1, 1, 1, 1, 394072; Float32 _FillValue -999999.0; String comment "Expanded uncertainty with 95% coverage (k=2)"; String long_name "in situ sea water temperature expanded uncertainty with 95% coverage (k=2)"; String sdn_uom_name "Degrees Celsius"; String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::UPAA"; String units "Degrees Celsius"; } CNDC_QC { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 1, 1, 1, 1, 394072; Byte _FillValue 127; String _Unsigned "false"; Byte actual_range 1, 9; String conventions "OceanSITES QC Flags"; String flag_meanings "unknown;good_data;probably_good_data;potentially_correctable_bad_data;bad_data;nominal_value;interpolated_value;missing_value"; String flag_values "0;1;2;3;4;7;8;9"; String long_name "sea water electrical conductivity quality control flags"; } PSAL_QC { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 1, 1, 1, 1, 394072; Byte _FillValue 127; String _Unsigned "false"; Byte actual_range 1, 9; String conventions "OceanSITES QC Flags"; String flag_meanings "unknown;good_data;probably_good_data;potentially_correctable_bad_data;bad_data;nominal_value;interpolated_value;missing_value"; String flag_values "0;1;2;3;4;7;8;9"; String long_name "sea water salinity quality control flags"; } TEMP_QC { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 1, 1, 1, 1, 394072; Byte _FillValue 127; String _Unsigned "false"; Byte actual_range 1, 9; String conventions "OceanSITES QC Flags"; String flag_meanings "unknown;good_data;probably_good_data;potentially_correctable_bad_data;bad_data;nominal_value;interpolated_value;missing_value"; String flag_values "0;1;2;3;4;7;8;9"; String long_name "in situ sea water temperature quality control flags"; } PRES_QC { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 1, 1, 1, 1, 394072; Byte _FillValue 127; String _Unsigned "false"; Byte actual_range 1, 9; String conventions "OceanSITES QC Flags"; String flag_meanings "unknown;good_data;probably_good_data;potentially_correctable_bad_data;bad_data;nominal_value;interpolated_value;missing_value"; String flag_values "0;1;2;3;4;7;8;9"; String long_name "pressure that exists in the medium of sea water quality control flags"; } SVEL_QC { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 1, 1, 1, 1, 394072; Byte _FillValue 127; String _Unsigned "false"; Byte actual_range 1, 9; String conventions "OceanSITES QC Flags"; String flag_meanings "unknown;good_data;probably_good_data;potentially_correctable_bad_data;bad_data;nominal_value;interpolated_value;missing_value"; String flag_values "0;1;2;3;4;7;8;9"; String long_name "speed of sound in sea water quality control flags"; } latitude_QC { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 1, 1, 1, 1, 394072; Byte _FillValue 127; String _Unsigned "false"; Byte actual_range 7, 7; String conventions "OceanSITES QC Flags"; String flag_meanings "unknown;good_data;probably_good_data;potentially_correctable_bad_data;bad_data;nominal_value;interpolated_value;missing_value"; String flag_values "0;1;2;3;4;7;8;9"; String long_name "latitude of measurements quality control flags"; } longitude_QC { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 1, 1, 1, 1, 394072; Byte _FillValue 127; String _Unsigned "false"; Byte actual_range 7, 7; String conventions "OceanSITES QC Flags"; String flag_meanings "unknown;good_data;probably_good_data;potentially_correctable_bad_data;bad_data;nominal_value;interpolated_value;missing_value"; String flag_values "0;1;2;3;4;7;8;9"; String long_name "longitude of measurements quality control flags"; } depth_QC { UInt32 _ChunkSizes 1, 1, 1, 1, 394072; Byte _FillValue 127; String _Unsigned "false"; Byte actual_range 7, 7; String conventions "OceanSITES QC Flags"; String flag_meanings "unknown;good_data;probably_good_data;potentially_correctable_bad_data;bad_data;nominal_value;interpolated_value;missing_value"; String flag_values "0;1;2;3;4;7;8;9"; String long_name "depth of measurements quality control flags"; } } NC_GLOBAL { String cdm_data_type "Point"; String Conventions "OceanSITES;EMSO"; String data_mode "R"; String data_type "OceanSITES time-series data"; String date_created "2025-03-12T11:44:06Z"; String date_modified "2025-03-12T11:44:06Z"; Float64 Easternmost_Easting 1.75257; String emso_facility "OBSEA"; String featureType "Point"; String format_version "1.4"; String funding "This work has been funded by the MINKE project funded by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 Programme (2014-2020), grant Agreement No. 101008724."; Float64 geospatial_lat_max 41.18212; Float64 geospatial_lat_min 41.18212; String geospatial_lat_units "degrees_north"; Float64 geospatial_lon_max 1.75257; Float64 geospatial_lon_min 1.75257; String geospatial_lon_units "degrees_east"; Float64 geospatial_vertical_max 20.0; Float64 geospatial_vertical_min 20.0; String geospatial_vertical_positive "down"; String geospatial_vertical_units "m"; String history "2025-03-12T15:25:42Z (local files) 2025-03-12T15:25:42Z"; String infoUrl ""; String institution "Polytechnic University of Catalonia"; String institution_edmo_code "2150"; String institution_edmo_uri ""; String keywords "CNDC, PRES, PSAL, SVEL, TEMP"; String keywords_vocabulary "SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary"; String license "CC-BY-4.0"; String license_uri ""; String network "EMSO"; Float64 Northernmost_Northing 41.18212; String principal_investigator "Joaquin del Rio"; String principal_investigator_email ""; String projects "MINKE MINKE"; String source "mooring"; String sourceUrl "(local files)"; Float64 Southernmost_Northing 41.18212; String standard_name_vocabulary "CF Standard Name Table v70"; String subsetVariables "CNDC_QC, PSAL_QC, TEMP_QC, PRES_QC, SVEL_QC, latitude_QC, longitude_QC, depth_QC"; String summary "CTD data measured at OBSEA underwater observatory full data"; String time_coverage_end "2025-03-11T08:34:29Z"; String time_coverage_start "2025-01-22T10:04:50Z"; String title "CTD data at OBSEA Underwater Observatory (full data)"; String update_interval "void"; Float64 Westernmost_Easting 1.75257; } }