Serving scientific data from OBSEA Expandable Seafloor Observatory |
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griddap | Subset | tabledap | Make A Graph | wms | files | Title | Summary | FGDC | ISO 19115 | Info | Background Info | RSS | Institution | Dataset ID | |
---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | SPL data from a Naxys Hydrophone at OBSEA (30min average) | Sound Pressure Level (ambient noise) from hydrophone data collected at OBSEA by a Naxys Ethernet 02345 Hydrophone and processed in real-time using the SWE Bridge software, 30min average. The SPL values are calculated with a time-window of 10 seconds.\n\ncdm_data_type = Point\nVARIABLES:\ntime (time of measurements, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude of measurements, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude of measurements, degrees_east)\ndepth (depth of measurements, m)\nSPL_ALL\nSPL_63 (Sound pressure level (SPL) of ambient noise at the 63Hz-centered frequency band the with a time window of 10 seconds. The SPL values are computed using the Welch method with a time window of 10 seconds, using 1-second segments, Hann window and 50% overlap.\",, Decibels)\nSPL_125 (Sound pressure level (SPL) of ambient noise at the 125Hz-centered frequency band the with a time window of 10 seconds. The SPL values are computed using the Welch method with a time window of 10 seconds, using 1-second segments, Hann window and 50% overlap.\",, Decibels)\nSPL_2000 (Sound pressure level (SPL) of ambient noise at the 2000Hz-centered frequency band the with a time window of 10 seconds. The SPL values are computed using the Welch method with a time window of 10 seconds, using 1-second segments, Hann window and 50% overlap.\",, Decibels)\nSPL_ALL_QC\nSPL_63_QC (Sound pressure level (SPL) of ambient noise at the 63Hz-centered frequency band the with a time window of 10 seconds. The SPL values are computed using the Welch method with a time window of 10 seconds, using 1-second segments, Hann window and 50% overlap.\", quality control flags)\nSPL_125_QC (Sound pressure level (SPL) of ambient noise at the 125Hz-centered frequency band the with a time window of 10 seconds. The SPL values are computed using the Welch method with a time window of 10 seconds, using 1-second segments, Hann window and 50% overlap.\", quality control flags)\nSPL_2000_QC (Sound pressure level (SPL) of ambient noise at the 2000Hz-centered frequency band the with a time window of 10 seconds. The SPL values are computed using the Welch method with a time window of 10 seconds, using 1-second segments, Hann window and 50% overlap.\", quality control flags)\nlatitude_QC (latitude of measurements quality control flags)\nlongitude_QC (longitude of measurements quality control flags)\ndepth_QC (depth of measurements quality control flags)\n | | | | | | | Polytechnic University of Catalonia | obsea_naxys_spl_30min | ||| | | | SPL data from a Naxys Hydrophone at OBSEA (full data) | Sound Pressure Level (ambient noise) from hydrophone data collected at OBSEA by a Naxys Ethernet 02345 Hydrophone and processed in real-time using the SWE Bridge software, full data. The SPL values are calculated with a time-window of 10 seconds.\n\ncdm_data_type = Point\nVARIABLES:\ntime (time of measurements, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude of measurements, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude of measurements, degrees_east)\ndepth (depth of measurements, m)\nSPL_ALL\nSPL_63 (Sound pressure level (SPL) of ambient noise at the 63Hz-centered frequency band the with a time window of 10 seconds. The SPL values are computed using the Welch method with a time window of 10 seconds, using 1-second segments, Hann window and 50% overlap.\",, Decibels)\nSPL_125 (Sound pressure level (SPL) of ambient noise at the 125Hz-centered frequency band the with a time window of 10 seconds. The SPL values are computed using the Welch method with a time window of 10 seconds, using 1-second segments, Hann window and 50% overlap.\",, Decibels)\nSPL_2000 (Sound pressure level (SPL) of ambient noise at the 2000Hz-centered frequency band the with a time window of 10 seconds. The SPL values are computed using the Welch method with a time window of 10 seconds, using 1-second segments, Hann window and 50% overlap.\",, Decibels)\nSPL_ALL_QC\nSPL_63_QC (Sound pressure level (SPL) of ambient noise at the 63Hz-centered frequency band the with a time window of 10 seconds. The SPL values are computed using the Welch method with a time window of 10 seconds, using 1-second segments, Hann window and 50% overlap.\", quality control flags)\nSPL_125_QC (Sound pressure level (SPL) of ambient noise at the 125Hz-centered frequency band the with a time window of 10 seconds. The SPL values are computed using the Welch method with a time window of 10 seconds, using 1-second segments, Hann window and 50% overlap.\", quality control flags)\nSPL_2000_QC (Sound pressure level (SPL) of ambient noise at the 2000Hz-centered frequency band the with a time window of 10 seconds. The SPL values are computed using the Welch method with a time window of 10 seconds, using 1-second segments, Hann window and 50% overlap.\", quality control flags)\nlatitude_QC (latitude of measurements quality control flags)\nlongitude_QC (longitude of measurements quality control flags)\ndepth_QC (depth of measurements quality control flags)\n | | | | | | | Polytechnic University of Catalonia | obsea_naxys_spl_full | ||| | | | Wave data from an AWAC-AST 1 MHz ADCP at OBSEA | Wave data collected and processed by an AWAC-AST 1 MHz at OBSEA\n\ncdm_data_type = Point\nVARIABLES:\ntime (time of measurements, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude of measurements, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude of measurements, degrees_east)\ndepth (depth of measurements, m)\nVHM0 (spectral significant wave height of waves by acoustic doppler wave array, Metres)\nVAVH (Wave height mean of waves (highest one third) on the water body by acoustic doppler wave array, Metres)\nVH110 (Wave height mean of waves (highest one tenth) on the water body by acoustic doppler wave array, Metres)\nVZMX (wave height maximum of waves on the water body by acoustic doppler wave array, Metres)\nVTM02 (period mean of waves on the water body by acoustic doppler wave array , Seconds)\nVTPK (Period at spectral maximum of waves (peak period Tp) on the water body by acoustic doppler wave array, Seconds)\nVTZA (Zero-crossing period of waves {Tz} on the water body by acoustic doppler wave array, Seconds)\nVPED (Direction (from) at spectral maximum of waves on the water body by acoustic doppler wave array, Degrees)\nVPSP\nVMDR (Direction (from) mean of waves (mean wave direction) on the water body by acoustic doppler wave array, Degrees)\nUNDX (Unidirectivity index of waves on the water body by acoustic doppler wave array, Dimensionless)\nVHM0_QC (spectral significant wave height of waves by acoustic doppler wave array quality control flags)\nVAVH_QC (Wave height mean of waves (highest one third) on the water body by acoustic doppler wave array quality control flags)\nVH110_QC (Wave height mean of waves (highest one tenth) on the water body by acoustic doppler wave array quality control flags)\nVZMX_QC (wave height maximum of waves on the water body by acoustic doppler wave array quality control flags)\nVTM02_QC (period mean of waves on the water body by acoustic doppler wave array quality control flags)\nVTPK_QC (Period at spectral maximum of waves (peak period Tp) on the water body by acoustic doppler wave array quality control flags)\nVTZA_QC (Zero-crossing period of waves {Tz} on the water body by acoustic doppler wave array quality control flags)\nVPED_QC (Direction (from) at spectral maximum of waves on the water body by acoustic doppler wave array quality control flags)\nVPSP_QC\nVMDR_QC (Direction (from) mean of waves (mean wave direction) on the water body by acoustic doppler wave array quality control flags)\nUNDX_QC (Unidirectivity index of waves on the water body by acoustic doppler wave array quality control flags)\nlatitude_QC (latitude of measurements quality control flags)\nlongitude_QC (longitude of measurements quality control flags)\ndepth_QC (depth of measurements quality control flags)\n | | | | | | | Polytechnic University of Catalonia | obsea_awac_waves_full |