Serving scientific data from OBSEA Expandable Seafloor Observatory
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https://data.obsea.es/erddap/tabledap/obsea_naxys_spl_30min.subset https://data.obsea.es/erddap/tabledap/obsea_naxys_spl_30min https://data.obsea.es/erddap/tabledap/obsea_naxys_spl_30min.graph SPL data from a Naxys Hydrophone at OBSEA (30min average) Sound Pressure Level (ambient noise) from hydrophone data collected at OBSEA by a Naxys Ethernet 02345 Hydrophone and processed in real-time using the SWE Bridge software, 30min average. The SPL values are calculated with a time-window of 10 seconds.\n\ncdm_data_type = Point\nVARIABLES:\ntime (time of measurements, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude of measurements, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude of measurements, degrees_east)\ndepth (depth of measurements, m)\nSPL_ALL\nSPL_63 (Sound pressure level (SPL) of ambient noise at the 63Hz-centered frequency band the with a time window of 10 seconds. The SPL values are computed using the Welch method with a time window of 10 seconds, using 1-second segments, Hann window and 50% overlap.\",, Decibels)\nSPL_125 (Sound pressure level (SPL) of ambient noise at the 125Hz-centered frequency band the with a time window of 10 seconds. The SPL values are computed using the Welch method with a time window of 10 seconds, using 1-second segments, Hann window and 50% overlap.\",, Decibels)\nSPL_2000 (Sound pressure level (SPL) of ambient noise at the 2000Hz-centered frequency band the with a time window of 10 seconds. The SPL values are computed using the Welch method with a time window of 10 seconds, using 1-second segments, Hann window and 50% overlap.\",, Decibels)\nSPL_ALL_QC\nSPL_63_QC (Sound pressure level (SPL) of ambient noise at the 63Hz-centered frequency band the with a time window of 10 seconds. The SPL values are computed using the Welch method with a time window of 10 seconds, using 1-second segments, Hann window and 50% overlap.\", quality control flags)\nSPL_125_QC (Sound pressure level (SPL) of ambient noise at the 125Hz-centered frequency band the with a time window of 10 seconds. The SPL values are computed using the Welch method with a time window of 10 seconds, using 1-second segments, Hann window and 50% overlap.\", quality control flags)\nSPL_2000_QC (Sound pressure level (SPL) of ambient noise at the 2000Hz-centered frequency band the with a time window of 10 seconds. The SPL values are computed using the Welch method with a time window of 10 seconds, using 1-second segments, Hann window and 50% overlap.\", quality control flags)\nlatitude_QC (latitude of measurements quality control flags)\nlongitude_QC (longitude of measurements quality control flags)\ndepth_QC (depth of measurements quality control flags)\n https://data.obsea.es/erddap/metadata/fgdc/xml/obsea_naxys_spl_30min_fgdc.xml https://data.obsea.es/erddap/metadata/iso19115/xml/obsea_naxys_spl_30min_iso19115.xml https://data.obsea.es/erddap/info/obsea_naxys_spl_30min/index.htmlTable https://edmo.seadatanet.org/report/2150 (external link) https://data.obsea.es/erddap/rss/obsea_naxys_spl_30min.rss https://data.obsea.es/erddap/subscriptions/add.html?datasetID=obsea_naxys_spl_30min&showErrors=false&email= Polytechnic University of Catalonia obsea_naxys_spl_30min
https://data.obsea.es/erddap/tabledap/obsea_naxys_spl_full.subset https://data.obsea.es/erddap/tabledap/obsea_naxys_spl_full https://data.obsea.es/erddap/tabledap/obsea_naxys_spl_full.graph SPL data from a Naxys Hydrophone at OBSEA (full data) Sound Pressure Level (ambient noise) from hydrophone data collected at OBSEA by a Naxys Ethernet 02345 Hydrophone and processed in real-time using the SWE Bridge software, full data.  The SPL values are calculated with a time-window of 10 seconds.\n\ncdm_data_type = Point\nVARIABLES:\ntime (time of measurements, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (latitude of measurements, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude of measurements, degrees_east)\ndepth (depth of measurements, m)\nSPL_ALL\nSPL_63 (Sound pressure level (SPL) of ambient noise at the 63Hz-centered frequency band the with a time window of 10 seconds. The SPL values are computed using the Welch method with a time window of 10 seconds, using 1-second segments, Hann window and 50% overlap.\",, Decibels)\nSPL_125 (Sound pressure level (SPL) of ambient noise at the 125Hz-centered frequency band the with a time window of 10 seconds. The SPL values are computed using the Welch method with a time window of 10 seconds, using 1-second segments, Hann window and 50% overlap.\",, Decibels)\nSPL_2000 (Sound pressure level (SPL) of ambient noise at the 2000Hz-centered frequency band the with a time window of 10 seconds. The SPL values are computed using the Welch method with a time window of 10 seconds, using 1-second segments, Hann window and 50% overlap.\",, Decibels)\nSPL_ALL_QC\nSPL_63_QC (Sound pressure level (SPL) of ambient noise at the 63Hz-centered frequency band the with a time window of 10 seconds. The SPL values are computed using the Welch method with a time window of 10 seconds, using 1-second segments, Hann window and 50% overlap.\", quality control flags)\nSPL_125_QC (Sound pressure level (SPL) of ambient noise at the 125Hz-centered frequency band the with a time window of 10 seconds. The SPL values are computed using the Welch method with a time window of 10 seconds, using 1-second segments, Hann window and 50% overlap.\", quality control flags)\nSPL_2000_QC (Sound pressure level (SPL) of ambient noise at the 2000Hz-centered frequency band the with a time window of 10 seconds. The SPL values are computed using the Welch method with a time window of 10 seconds, using 1-second segments, Hann window and 50% overlap.\", quality control flags)\nlatitude_QC (latitude of measurements quality control flags)\nlongitude_QC (longitude of measurements quality control flags)\ndepth_QC (depth of measurements quality control flags)\n https://data.obsea.es/erddap/metadata/fgdc/xml/obsea_naxys_spl_full_fgdc.xml https://data.obsea.es/erddap/metadata/iso19115/xml/obsea_naxys_spl_full_iso19115.xml https://data.obsea.es/erddap/info/obsea_naxys_spl_full/index.htmlTable https://edmo.seadatanet.org/report/2150 (external link) https://data.obsea.es/erddap/rss/obsea_naxys_spl_full.rss https://data.obsea.es/erddap/subscriptions/add.html?datasetID=obsea_naxys_spl_full&showErrors=false&email= Polytechnic University of Catalonia obsea_naxys_spl_full

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